8 ways to save on your weekly shop (without going without)

8 ways to save on your weekly shop (without going without)

Published: August 2023

With the recent increase in household costs, more of us are cutting back on luxuries, including food items. My husband challenged me to reduce our food bills by 30%, which to be honest – is a continuous challenge as the prices keep going up (!) but I thought I’d share a few to hopefully help other families save too.

Tip #1 – Know your shopping habits

What do you need and what can you go without? One way is to consider cutting out those luxuries that are just time savers, for example I now buy a block of cheese rather than a bag of grated cheese and my son pops his own popcorn rather than buying it pre-popped.

Tip #2 – Create a shopping list

A no-brainer, I know but by creating a base shopping list (most apps let you do this now) and then work out the add ons to create meals and snacks you will start from the lowest cost point and add to it.

Tip #3 – Do your research and shop the specials

Most supermarkets have sneak peak specials these days so you can plan to buy or wait until the next special cycle. Also follow any on social media for last minute specials and mid week options.

If you can, when shopping the specials buy for 2-3 months. I calculated that on my base items such as laundry items and coffee I can save $1,500 annually by shopping when they are on special (based on the lowest price I’d seen).

Tip #4 – Stock up your freezer and your pantry

To quote Jamie Oliver, “Your pantry and your freezer are your best friend.”

I always have plenty of flour, pastas along with cans of tomatoes and beans in my pantry.

My freezer always has peas, pastries and good frozen fish.

Tip #5 – Make a menu

Mrs E’s kitchen has a weekly or fortnightly menu on the fridge and I get requests from my husband and son. We can adjust the menu slightly but by doing this, you know how many meals you have catered for and less food goes to waste.

Tip #6 – Try to use click and collect or delivery

By using click and collect or home delivery you are less likely to impulse buy, more likely to stick to your menu plan and avoid the dreaded shop-whilst-hungry to come home to a bag of chocolate and have forgotten half the items on your list.

Tip #7 – Sign up to rewards programs

Using Coles (Australia) I receive over $600 worth in reward points annually by shopping smart. I also have funds banked for Christmas with Woolworths.

Make sure you have the apps on your phone and read the newsletters to shop in the boosted points periods.

Tip #8 – Use a credit card to earn points

Who doesn’t like free money. If you can, use a credit card where you earn points on other purchases that convert to gift vouchers.

Lastly, try to stick to it. Oh, and don’t forget your bags. There’s a saving right there.