Quick pickles

Quick pickles

In an ideal world we would make all our food from scratch (or eat out for every meal) but as my dad always said “in life you either have no time and surplus money or surplus time and no money” as I have grown older this has always been so true.

Quick pickles are a great way to get pickled foods into your diet without the long cooking or fermenting times.


1 cup of water

1 ½ cups of chosen vinegar. NB the vinegar must by >5% acidity if you are going to keep beyond a week.

1 teaspoon of salt

Chosen fruit or vegetable

Add your desired spices I like to use:

Mustard seeds

Coriander seeds



Quick pickled red or pink onion

Combine your liquids and spaces in a pan and bring to the boil. In the meantime sterilise your jar(s).

Finely slice your chosen onions and add to the jar.

Once your pan comes to a boil pour into the jar covering the onion completely.

Let it cool and then refrigerate. Once cool, they are ready to eat.